
These Are the Top 10 Worst Passwords of 2022 - sowellholed1992

These Are the Top 10 Worst Passwords of 2022

These Are the Top 10 Worst Passwords of 2022

Splashdata has released its 2022's list of the worst passwords one could possibly use and from the looks of it, it is apparent that people are tranquilize unaware of the potential security risks of using a weak password.

Comparing this list with last year's list, nothing such has significantly changed. The top three worst passwords of past year were '123456', 'watchword', and '123456789' while this twelvemonth, we got 'qwerty' absorb the third position.

Train a look at the top 10 worst passwords that you shouldn't be using in 2022 below:

1. 123456 2. 123456789 3. qwerty 4. password 5. 1234567 6. 12345678 7. 12345 8. iloveyou 9. 111111 10. 123123

These generic passwords are and then thin that IT could beryllium easily guessed aside your neighborhood banter to gain access to your account or Wi-Fi without having whatsoever specific "hacker" or social engineering science skills.

Just in case you're wondering how a strong password should be, I would recommend you to put together a password consisting of a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

While these passwords could be harder to remember, it is safer than using a password the likes of '123456' and potentially bounteous away your account. Using a password handler is suggested if you're having a leatherlike clip remembering different passwords you set crosswise various services on the net.

If you're unsure if your password is already out there in the hands of hackers through a security breach which happens quite ofttimes these days, I would suggest you run your email address on, a free service that lets you check if your account has been compromised already.

Check the entire list comprising of 50 worst passwords here. So, are you delinquent of using any of the passwords along the list? Switch to a strong password before telling us in the comments.


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