How To Find Rare Pokemon In Pokemon Go

Writing a definitive list of the rarest catches in Pokémon Become is tough. With Niantic upping its game and running more special events where you can catch scarce creatures, any rundown of the rarest Pokémon can change overnight.
Also, if you lot're a hardcore collector who never leaves the house without Pokémon GO in hand, Pokémon that are rare to occasional players may be old news to veterans like y'all. And every bit at that place are no official stats on the rarity of Pokémon, naming the scarcest catches can only be based on personal experience and feedback from the Pokémon Go community.
With this in mind, our listing of the rarest Pokémon in August 2021 volition:
- aid casual players know what elusive creatures are out there
- give experts a checklist of collectable creatures they need to detect in trades
Fix to plug those gaps in your Pokédex? Let's Go!
Further reading: Pokémon Become Guide & Walkthrough - Type Chart, Evolutions, Raids, Research, Friend Codes And More than
Rare Pokémon yous can get right now (August 2021)
We'll update this guide equally things change, just in Baronial 2021 the rarest Pokémon you can potentially get your hands on are:
When a strange egg snatched in battle from a Squad GO Rocket leader wobbles and cracks, this is the Pokémon y'all want to see.
Y'all need to walk 12k to hatch a red-dotted egg, just fifty-fifty after that the chances of getting Sandile are low. To brand things more complicated, Sandile evolves twice – so yous'll demand at least 125 candies to become both evolutions in your Pokédex.
If you're a hardcore collector, you lot'll need to do this twice to get a full family with both genders. If you need tips on getting extra candy, check out our guide.
As with Deino, which was widely available during the Pokémon Become Fest 2021, Sandile could quickly get passé if Niantic switches things around. Merely, for now, Sandile is 1 of the rarest Pokémon around, and nosotros're always excited to see its dark, lifeless eyes.
If you lot live in a decorated city or are nigh to gyms and PokéStops, you'll encounter more Noibat than trainers in more than isolated places.
Just, no matter where y'all are, Noibat is one of the rarest wild spawns and your heart will skip a beat when you see 1 on your radar. Noibat are most common in windy weather, so it'southward worth braving a gale to see if any are fluttering around near yous.
You can too hatch Noibat right now from 10k eggs. Just as it takes 400 candy to evolve Noibat into Noivern, it will take all trainers a long time to collect the ready (unless you have a bag of rare candy to fire, of course).
Azelf, Mespirit and Uxie
Yes, it's true: this legendary trio spawns in the wild. We've seen it. But the chances of witnessing this miraculous outcome are minuscule.
Azelf, Mespirit and Uxie are the only legendary Pokémon that appear in the wild, and they as well swoop into gyms to star in raids from time to time.
Simply collecting the total set is a pain every bit the tricky threesome are region locked. And so yous'll have to wait until they're in raids, then promise for a remote invite from a far-flung friend — y'all tin can make lots of new friends effectually the world by sharing your friend code.
The regions where you'll find the 3 legendaries are:
- Uxie: Asia-Pacific
- Mespirit: Europe, the Centre E, Africa and India
- Azelf: The Americas and Greenland
Collecting a full gear up of Unown could be your life's work. The enigmatic Pokémon exercise announced in the wild from time to time, but unless information technology'due south part of a special event such every bit the Pokémon GO Fest 2021, the chances of encountering one are outrageously depression.
To make things harder, there are 26 unlike Unown to take hold of, each representing a alphabetic character of the alphabet. Right now you can take function in Unown (U) raids, which are easy to win as they're all 1 star.
Add to that the stylish blue Unown shinies and y'all could be hunting them for decades to come.
Axew is currently one of the rarest wild spawns. If you spot one, don't miss your chance to use a silver pinap berry to rake in that sugariness, sugariness Axew candy.
Axew are also currently the rarest hatch from 10k eggs, and so it will take a long time to collect all the candy and genders you demand for a full family. Utilize a super incubator to hatch 10k eggs quicker.
But who knows? A couple of months ago Gible had a similar reputation to Axew, and was a rare treat when hunting or hatching. Merely after the recent Gible Community Day and Pokémon GO Fest 2021, they aren't as hot equally they used to be. Maybe Axew volition be next to bound the Sharpedo?
When Tirtouga was get-go introduced to Pokémon GO in Jan 2020, information technology was an uncommon wild spawn. Tirtouga was hard to find, but information technology wasn't impossible to get enough candy for an development into Carracosta.
But these days Tirtouga are as rare every bit Combusken teeth, and you lot'll exist lucky if you ever spot ane when you're on a hunt. Hardcore collectors have extra frustration as female Tirtouga are much rarer than their male counterparts, making information technology hard to build a full family of half-shells.
At the moment Archen is not plant in 10k eggs, and wild spawns are incredibly rare. Some players merits they've encountered Archen when walking along beaches, merely nosotros accept no bear witness to prove if this is true.
If yous don't already have Archen, exist patient. Almost rare Pokémon emerge from the shadows one 24-hour interval, and Archen is likely to appear in 10k eggs at least again before the end of 2021.
When Goomy outset appeared in Pokémon Get earlier this yr, it wasn't hard to find.
Almost wild spawns were pretty rubbish, but you could still grab enough to evolve the full family.
Just and then information technology all simply disappeared.
Goomy still pop up in the wild, just they're much rarer than they were during the glory days of May 2021.
They're also a rare grab from 10k eggs, but the chances of getting one are slim. You're more probable to get some other encarmine Klink!
Uncommon Pokémon y'all tin get right now
Although these Pokémon aren't rare, they're uncommon in August 2021 and you lot should be pleased if yous spot i.
If you come across an uncommon Pokémon, don't be stingy with your pinap berries. Feed Pokémon yellow fruit to collect the candy you need for evolutions and powering up:
Regional Pokémon
Depending on where you live, some Pokémon are either frustratingly unobtainable or a wild spawn irritant.
If you live in Europe, chances are that you detest Mr Mime. Only anywhere else in the globe this whimsical Pokémon is collectible every bit it's never spotted in the wild.
You lot can read our guide to regional Pokémon to meet what you're missing, and then make friends with trainers in far away places in case a regional becomes bachelor in a raid you can join remotely.
Brand lots of new friends around the world past sharing your friend lawmaking.
Other regional Pokémon that are currently available include:
Northern United states of america, during special events simply.
Egypt and Greece, in the wild and 10k eggs found in those regions.
New York Urban center in the USA.
Costumed Pokémon
When a new costumed Pokémon appears in the wild, information technology's often met by a groan from the Pokémon hardcore, who are tired of catching underpowered Pikachu in natty hats.
But as new players are joining Pokémon GO all the time, novice trainers may take missed their hazard to snag a costumed Pokémon in the wild.
If you lot have enough storage space, you lot should always keep a handful of costumed Pokémon for hereafter trades.
It may accept years, but 1 of the seventy,000 Pikachu in a political party hat you defenseless in 2017 or 2020 may somewhen become a rare trade!
Our pick of the rarest costumed Pokémon are:
Pikachu Libre
Of all the costumed Pikachu, this fighter based on the masked outfits worn by Mexican wrestlers kicks the most ass.
But unless you're a Pokémon pro, getting one is backbreaking.
You need to reach the superlative rank in the GO Battle League to earn this collectible Pikachu, which is no mean feat every bit you'll exist up confronting the globe's best players.
The Go Battle League has become harder in contempo updates, making information technology more challenging to get this costumed Pokémon for your collection.
Licensed costumes
Costumes created past Niantic sometimes announced once more. For example, you lot could catch Pikachu in a Santa hat during the holiday season in 2016 to 2017, and 2018 to 2019.
But if a Pokémon costume is licensed, and has been created to tie in with a movie release or as part of a commercial deal, the chances of seeing it again are slim.
What was once a pest in the wild could be a future collectible. Our selection of the rarest licensed Pokémon are:
Fragment Hat Pikachu
This Pikachu in a black baseball game cap was part of a deal with Japanese streetwear designer, Hiroshi Fujiwara. It has not been seen in the wild since October 2018. It can also evolve into Raichu.
Detective Hat Pikachu
This cheeky Pikachu photobombed snaps in May 2019 to gloat the launch of the movie, Detective Pikachu. It tin evolve into Raichu, only only male versions were available.
Harbinger Hat Pikachu
Released in July 2019 as part of a campaign supporting the reconstruction of the Kumamoto Prefecture in Nihon, which was striking by earthquakes in 2016. The hat is based on a character from the Japanese anime TV series, 1 Piece.
Safari hat Pikachu
Pikachu wearing a safari chapeau was only available at Safari Zone events in 2020, which took identify in St. Louis and Philadelphia in the USA, and Liverpool in the UK.
Bow Smoochum, Pinnacle hat Kirlia, Bowler hat Shinx, Backwards cap Croagunk
These 4 costumed Pokémon were unleashed equally part of a collaboration with Longchamp Paris, a fashion company based in French republic. The stylish foursome likewise tied in with the showtime of Paris Fashion Calendar week in 2020.
Other costumed Pokémon that could be futurity rarities:
Sunglasses Squirtle
Squirtle wearing shades appeared during the Community Twenty-four hours on 8 July 2018, and has not appeared since.
Shiny versions were besides bachelor – and as yous could evolve sunglasses Squirtle into Wartortle and Blastoise, it was ane of the near rewarding Community Days.
But we wouldn't be surprised if Squirtle in sunglasses comes dorsum some other time.
New year's day Slowpoke
The Slowpoke available as office of the New Year event that ran from 2020 to 2021 wore novelty 2020 glasses. These shades tie the Pokémon to a detail point in time, and hateful it's unlikely to announced again.
New Year Slowbro
Like the New year's day Slowpoke, Slowbro wearing 2021 glasses only appeared in the game from December 2020 to January 2021. If you have one, you could be the envy of new players in a few years.
The rarest shiny Pokémon
Even if they're a common wild spawn on a Community Day, everyone loves a shiny Pokémon. But identifying the rarest shinies is pretty easy.
The rarest shiny Pokémon are those wearing hats, costumes, holiday trinkets or flower crowns.
This is considering the Pokémon were simply available for a brusk period of time – and, in some cases, they'll never appear once again and your chances of getting one are limited to trades.
The 2 rarest costumed shines are Pikachu Libre and Detective Lid Pikachu. If you have one of these, nosotros tip our Ash baseball cap to yous.
Bated from costumed Pokémon, the rarest wild shiny Pokémon in our experience – and based on feedback from the Pokémon customs – are:
If you lot're a wild shiny hunter, continue an middle on upcoming Pokémon GO spotlight hours to see what's bachelor. Your chances of catching a shiny are slightly higher when a spotlight Pokémon is spawning.
Shiny raid bosses are also rare as you need to employ raid passes to fight them, and non everyone tin afford to keep trying until they get a shiny.
In our experience, the rarest boss shinies are:
If you run across a shiny raid boss, you're guaranteed to catch it on your first throw. So brand certain to use a pinap berry to get extra candy.
Special enquiry mythical Pokémon
Aside from Darkrai, Deoxys and Genesect, which tin can be encountered in raids, many mythicals in Pokémon GO tin just be nerveless as role of special research tasks.
So while you may merely go one take chances to nab a mythical Pokémon such as Jirachi, you're guaranteed to get information technology if you follow the task guidelines.
Some mythical Pokémon were first made available to trainers who bought a ticket for a special event.
But as ticket-only Pokémon such equally Celebi and Jirachi were somewhen made available to anybody, don't panic if yous haven't got ane. You lot'll catch information technology eventually.
The rarest mythical Pokémon:
So far Meloette is only available to ticket holders for the Pokémon GO Fest 2021, as part of the Tune Pokémon special research claiming.
Shiny Mew
Unlocked in the All-In-One #151 claiming, which is just available to people who bought a ticket for the Kanto Tour event in February 2021.
Regional forms
Most bachelor Pokémon from the unlike in-game regions are piece of cake to go, fifty-fifty if you take to wait for them to announced every bit part of an event.
Shiny versions are as well much sought afterward, particularly the Alolan Vulpix which is a favourite with many members of the Pokémon community.
We've found that Galarian Darumaka and Darmanitan are the hardest to become, and it's an elusive variant that nosotros notwithstanding haven't defenseless. Anyone wanna trade?
Other rare Pokémon you should non miss
These Pokémon were by and large available as part of an event, or are express to a certain time of year.
Information technology's pretty much guaranteed that these Pokémon will appear once again. Simply if you know trainers who suffer from FOMO and can't contemplate the idea there's a rare Pokémon they don't have, you may go a decent trade before they return.
You can currently get Meinfoo if you reach level 5 in the Become Battle League. It evolves into Meinshao.
Commonly appear during the holiday flavor only. Shiny versions and Delibird wearing bows accept also made an advent.
Yamask are most common around Halloween, and are fun to chase as there are ii regional variations, both with an evolution… and shinies!
Legendary Pokémon
The legendary Pokémon in raids are ever rotating, and information technology could be a long time before they appear again. And so ever catch a scattering, which you can go on to trade for whatever shinies you're missing.
Armoured Mewtwo
Mewtwo in futuristic armour has appeared in the game a few times. Just, as Mewtwo is such a popular Pokémon, yous won't find it difficult to go a good trade for this rare legendary that's all-time used as a defender.
Spiritomb about recently appeared every bit a reward in Halloween 2020 timed research and field research tasks. It's sure to appear again, which will requite collectors another chance to take hold of a shiny.
Launder Rotom
The washing car version of Rotom was merely available to Pokémon Go Fest 2020 ticket holders. In that location are v other Rotom variations that volition appear at some point in the hereafter, and Launder Rotom is sure to make a comeback.
Galarian Mr Mime and Mr Rime
Galarian Mr Mime was a reward in the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap ticketed special research issue in December 2020, where you could also earn plenty candy to evolve it into Mr Rime. Right now these 2 Pokémon are rare, but they'll be back one day.
Clone Pokémon
Clone Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise and Pikachu appeared in March 2020, and were but available for a short time in raids and when taking photos. The clones are collectable equally they take moves that were unique to that Pokémon's Community 24-hour interval and look (slightly) different to their regular counterparts.
And then that's it. If there's a rare Pokémon we've missed, or you're having trouble finding a specially rare beast, add together a comment and permit united states of america know.
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